Find Global B2B Companies to Reach Out To

Find a highly targeted list of leads based on Country, Industry, and Company Size.

Find b2b leads for your business in 190+ countries
Device frame

How It Works

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    Target leads from 200+ countries

    Build a targeted list of leads with 267 countries (both recognized and unrecognized countries included) to select from (8 added to the database in the last year alone)

    Target leads from the United States of America
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    137 industries to choose

    Select your targeted industry from our database with 137 industries to choose from (4 new industries added since last year)

    Industry specific lead targeting
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    Select company size

    Tailor your leads further by picking the right company sizes that fit your business goals (choose 'myself only' option to target solo proprietor businesses)

    Screenshot (445)
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    Tip: Leverage search filters

    Take advantage of search filters for a faster workflow. Type in keywords and get to your targeted search workflow faster.

    Search leads with filters
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    Export or transfer leads in various formats

    Transfer leads from the targeted search to your campaigns in-app. OR export them in formats that match your existing sales pipeline.

    Export leads from your targeted search